Thursday, March 25, 2010


This poem was very interesting and can really get a person thinking. Day after day millions of people have sex without love or any type of affection and don't care. The poem starts off describing what both intimate people look like as they have having sex; "Beautiful as dancers, gliding over each other like ice-skaters over the ice" could refer to the body movement, "fingers hooked
inside each other's bodies" could be interpreted as the tenseness and enjoyment of these actions, "faces red as steak, wine, wet as the children at birth whose mothers are going to give them away' could be explaining the ending as both people are out of breath and sweaty. Then I thought it was interesting when the author compared sex without love to a person who goes to church yet doesn't worship god, its just wrong and sinful. She then closes describing a runner that runs just because they can and they enjoy it because people have random sex without love because of the same reasons, there's nothing stopping them from enjoying themselves with the company of others.