Thursday, May 6, 2010

After Making Love We Hear Footsteps

The poem "After Making Love We Hear Footsteps" by Galway Kinnell is quite interesting to me. This poem puts you into two different settings as it combines into one. Each setting involving different people, different actions, different emotions. One is of a little innocent boy in the dream state and his married parents are in the next room making sex. They can hear tiny noises coming from him as he sleeps in another room. As they are finished, the little boy wakes up and appears in their room. As he lies safely inbetween them, probably because he had a bad dream and feels safe with his mommy and daddy, they feel a hidden bond between themselves. The action of his existance is making love, and as he lies there in their arms the memories of love making is symbolized through him as a result and more love is shared. From the every beginning, til that night, til probably every night after this, there will always be a special bond between making love to someone you care about and the child concieved because of it