Thursday, April 29, 2010

Barbie Doll

The poem "Barbie Doll" by Marge Piercy in-fact has nothing to do with an actual Barbie doll. It does however prove that the ideal look for a girl is a skinny, well fit body and a fun loving personality with an intelligent mind. The girl that is discussed in this poem is "healthy, tested intelligent,possessed strong arms and back,abundant sexual drive and manual dexterity". However because of her fat legs and big nose she is an "ugly" person because her body isn't perfect. She goes around apologizing to people about how she looks and even tries to go on a diet. You can tell all she wants to do is fit in. Over some time she loses her patience and cuts off her nose and legs. Now with this amputated parts she is considered pretty as she lays dead in her casket. This happens to many people in today's society. If one little thing about them isn't perfect to everyone else, they try to change to fit in and they can severely hurt themselves or even kill themselves, whether by accident or on purpose. I believe it's very sad and no one should have to go through this. I believe everyone is perfect in their own way.

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